Holiday snaps

Brock and St Michaels mount
Originally uploaded by Brock.
The advent of the digital and internet age means that although the catchment area for my dull as fuck holiday snaps is much wider, the need for politely nodding, smiling and generally feigning interest as I never-endingly shove another one under your nose is eliminated, as I have no need to even be there should you decide to look through them.
They are in chronological order in the Set rather than in the random upload order in the stream, so maybe start from that page. It also allows you to cherry pick the tumbnails you find interesting in a more accesible way.
Ho hum. Try and enjoy as best you can.
Oh, and for reference, after my last post, it was 217 miles there, and I got there in 3 hrs 15. What does the AA know, eh? Although admittedly it did take me 5 1/2 hours to get back. However I did stop for a McDonalds, then some fuel, and generally bimble around. And there was loads of traffic and a few accidents. They were probably still clearing up from the ones I caused on the way down, actually...
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