Friday, August 12, 2005

Expanding the intellect

I am going on Holiday soon. I am going camping in Cornwall on my own, and am looking forward to a very relaxing time. I intend to do very little, mainly wandering about on the cliff paths and hills and finding a nice pub for lunch, then wandering back and cooking myself a nice little dinner and knocking the tops off a few.

I envisage a gently sozzled Brock lying contentedly on his sleeping bag and being thoroughly anti-social.

I also plan to spend a fair amount of time sitting about reading books, some from my past (I am trying to get my Hitchhikers guide series in one place) and some I haven't read yet. As part of this, I went to to buy a load of books that I have been meaning to read - mainly some that I have been meaning to read for a while. Unfortunately, I got bored of reading all the descriptions (it's just not the same as reading the jacket and flicking through a few pages, is it?) so I just ordered about 6 books written by Chris Ryan, as I have a few of his, and decided to buy the rest being as they were all 50p or so from the second hand section.

Bad mistake.

But how was I to know? Where did it say that three of them were part of his series he wrote for kids?

For fucks sake.

I am torn between reading them anyway, being as I have bought the bloody things, and the fact that they are KIDS BOOKS! Still, people read Harry Potter, I guess. Maybe I'll try one if I run out of stuff to read after I get back.

Must learn not to be bored when shopping. At least I didn't blow a load of money on them, I suppose.


At 12 August, 2005 20:09, Blogger vanlal said...

Watch out for the rabbits. Thye're bloody dangerous! I can think of worse thing sto do than read kids' books in a gently sozzled state.


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