Friday, July 22, 2005

Eye tests

I had my eyes tested today, and the whole 'contact lens health check' thing that I get free with the lenses that I have. There has always been something about the eye test that has made me like them a lot.

1: I have always had female optometrists.

2: about 75% of them have been attractive women.

Consequently, when we get to the bit where you have to sit there and stare at the back wall while they get the little torch thing with the lens in, stare right into your eye from a range of about an inch and say (really gently cos they are seriously up close) "Look up... now look straight ahead..... now look down..."

Know the bit?

Well, I have always found it seriously erotic. Maybe it's because I am reminded that the only time an attractive woman is that close to my face (inches away at the most, for those that don't know about this) is when we are about to kiss. The temptation to go through with the urge is almost over whelming. Possibly just because it is a natural urge from that sort of proximity, possibly because of a hundred fantasies (some fulfilled...) about 'getting up to stuff' when you know you shouldn't, and about there being loads of people just the other side of the door that are unaware of the fun you are having. But I find the closeness deeply sexy.

Maybe it is just because of the forbidden nature of the encounter, maybe also because it is so subtle as well. I mean, when I went to have my, erm, bits and pieces checked (I had a lump in a scary place some time ago) and it turned out to be an extremely lovely doctor, it never even occurred to me. Although thoughts of Bollock Cancer (as I believe it is called) may have tempered that feeling, and the worry about breaking her wrist if I suddenly had a filthy flash of inspiration. And this was, let's destroy all subtlety here, a fit as fuck woman manipulating my nut sack. Yet no dirty thoughts at all.

But when the woman leant up against me today and put her face so close to mine, I really had to struggle to concentrate. The subtlest of moments can be so much more powerful than the overt, can't they...?


At 23 July, 2005 23:48, Blogger Flash said...

I so dig that

At 24 July, 2005 22:57, Blogger ben said...

This is scarily spot on. To make things worse, the last one I had was EXACTLY my type and it transpired single. Seemed to be going well too. Very flirty. Very nice.

Then I moved to the other side of the country. And then there was really a problem with my eyes. They kept welling up...

At 25 July, 2005 12:28, Blogger Noely Noel said...

Aha I get that too. The last time I went for a checkup the eye doctor was so fine.

Not so nice the time before, when it was a man in his mid-50's who smelled of cigarettes.

At 25 July, 2005 21:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one... my optometrist is a seriously sexy expat Welsh person (hmm rather like myself... (minus the sexy of course)

I start hyperventilating when he does the 2" from my face bit..

However when my dentist tries the same trick, somehow it doesn't have quite the same effect. Probably because as he leans over me, I am grabbing his balls and saying "Now ... we aren't going to hurt each other ARE we !"

At 30 July, 2005 23:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I got this, every time I have my eyes checked it's a bald old man with coffee breath doing the job.

At 03 August, 2005 13:36, Blogger Warhead said...

I only began to experience this a couple of years ago, when I finally needed glasses for reading.

However, I had a very interesting experience with a very hot locum doctor a couple of years ago. I'd gone for a blood test check and as she positioned my arm so she could put the cuff on it, I realised my hand was between her legs resting against her groin. She didn't seem to think anything of it, probably because she was concentrating on the task in hand .... but then, so was I.

I'm sure that BP reading was higher than normal.


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