Sunday, July 24, 2005

Automatic flushing toilets

No, really. I found out that someone I know has them at work. I posted a comment, but felt that I had to share it with the (probably smaller!) audience that frequents here.

Auto flushing toilets?


I am astonished, saddened, filled with bile and disgust and all things bad. What sort of person needs an automatic flushing toilet? How pathetic is that? Is this all because they think that people are too stupid or un-hygienic to flush the toilet themselves? Or that it is a good thing to do things like this for people because they are just too bloody lazy?

I am almost speechless that people spend time and money designing, perfecting, marketing and fitting something so ridiculous. Never mind the energy wasting resources of wiring entirely superfluous electrical control systems to something that is perfectly satisfactory being purely mechanical. What, also, does this say about the company?

"Our employees, that we spent thousands of pounds on locating, hiring and employing, are of such a high standard of human being that we can't even trust them to flush the toilet after them."

My argument about natural selection stands tall once more: If people are too stupid or ignorant to use toilets properly, they deserve to catch some sort of illness and die a slow and painful death. To allow such people to propagate is effectively reducing the mean intellectual standard and level of social adeptness of our society. Let them die out, I say. I mean, what next? An automatically fitted suction cup straight to your bits and pieces so that you don't even have to expend effort evacuating?

Actually, that last bit might have some merit in a 'non-toiletry' environment, now that the wider implications occur to me...


At 30 July, 2005 23:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wonder what one'll do when one has delivered a load that just one truck can't ship away. (For those that are euphylectic; things that won't go away with just one flush.) Given that people are more likely to pee outside or forget the lid than to get rid of the mother load, this'll probably just increase the risk of being displayed some modern art from a previous visitor.

But hey, can't they make a toilet seat cooler, I am not squeamish but I wouldn't mind missing out on the feeling of a toilet seat, still warm form someone else's arse. :)

At 01 August, 2005 23:04, Blogger Warhead said...

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At 01 August, 2005 23:07, Blogger Warhead said...

Ain't never seen one of those, but our Liverpool office has automatic lights in the toilets (and no windows to the outside world, so no natural daylight).

So, you're sitting there, enjoying the experience at your leisure, but if you don't move for a couple of minutes, that damn lights go off. Then you have to wave your arms around in the dark for a few seconds for them to come on again.

You'd think they'd have infra-red sensors instead of movement sensors, wouldn't you?

Now I come to think of it, we have an automatic flush on our urinals. When you approach a sensor triggers some device that fills the cistern then flushes. It's supposed to be more economical than just regular flushes at timed intervals, as it only flushes when it senses someone there. But, it also flushes if you just walk past it, so maybe it's not so economical after all.


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