Monday, November 07, 2005

Interweb techno dweeby

I have, to put it mildly, entered the land of overkill.

To allow me to be a lot more mobile when I eventually get off my arse and cruise the world, I have bought a laptop from a friend of mine. Although I managed to get it all wireless enabled and the like today (with the benevolence of Tin Corner's wife, who made him give me the wireless card that he desperately wanted to sell me) it is still only being used as a means to connect iTunes to my Hi-Fi. It chats happily away with my PC and swaps files and stuff, but it sat over there connected to the amp all day today.

So I have effectively just managed to get myself a hideously expensive MP3 player.

Ah well. It looks good doing it. I will get it set up with the rest of the stuff that I want soon, though. Then I can think about packing up this old beast I am typing on now for long term storage and then sell all my old stuff on ebay.

Anyone want to buy a box of old T-shirts, a shit bookshelf and a couple of old Cambridge Hi-Fi amps (you can make a good one out of the pair)?


Hmmm. Maybe I'll sell my body to raise cash instead.



Fuck. This raising money thing could be harder than I thought.


At 07 November, 2005 21:08, Blogger Flash said...

Take it!!

At 08 November, 2005 08:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start writing a column for a magazine or two? You're good enough for it.

At 10 November, 2005 14:44, Blogger Syl said...

I'll take your body.


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