Friday, April 08, 2005

A cheek too far

I was being a bit of a grumpy twat this afternoon. I had been having a really shit day, and everything has been going wrong. I have been going backwards at a fair rate the last two weeks, and I am finding it very tiring. I have been getting little sympathy from our very cheeky office admin girl, as usual, but she underestimated the sharp mind underneath the miserable bloke in the office today...

Office chick (as I stomp back into the office with a face like thunder): "What the hell's wrong with you today, why are you so bloody miserable?"

Me: " Ah, I've just had enough. I just found out that we can't even (insert dull bit here) without having to (insert other dull bit here). I'm getting fucking nowhere fast, and I'm pissed off with it. It's tiring me out."

O.C. (with sarcastic grin): "Ahhhhhhh, bless! Surely it's not that bad, I reckon you're just moaning..."

Me: "Bollocks". (at my wittiest best, so far, see?)

O.C. (laughing at me)"Anyway, imagine if your job was easy. What would you do then, eh?"

Me: "Give it to a woman to do"

O.C. (smug grin fades. Mouth opens for retort. Fails)

Me: "That'll learn ya." (walks off)


At 09 April, 2005 15:46, Blogger Ms. Entropy said...

"Give it to a woman to do."

*rolls eyes*

I want to smack you, in the worst of ways.


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