Saturday, April 09, 2005


On a whim, I bought a fresh pineapple yesterday, to cut up and have for my breakfast. After I had chopped all the crap off the outside I'd lost nearly a third of the damn thing by the time all the little hairy bits are gone. This very nearly took the shine off it.

But not quite. I sat down with my cup of coffee and slurped my way through half of the pineapple (saving half for tomorrow - how sensible) and made a right old mess. Lovely. Only trouble is, I now have a load of stringy bits of pineapple in my teeth and can't seem to get them out.

That's the way to start the day, isn't it? I shall meander gently into town with bits of stringy fruit hanging out of my face, prompting all the lovely ladies I happen upon to remark:

"That bloke with the big nose is rather alluring, don't you think?
I mean, apart from the fact that he looks like he has the mouth of a catfish."



At 09 April, 2005 15:48, Blogger Ms. Entropy said...

"After I had chopped all the crap off the outside I'd lost nearly a third of the damn thing by the time all the little hairy bits are gone. This very nearly took the shine off it."

As of late, I've been reading far too much anthropological literature concerning circumcision for this to read the correct way.

And, my mind inhabits the gutter.


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