Saturday, April 16, 2005

Aren't Mum's ace?

Ok, although this is in danger of becoming a quotefest, I was at my Mum's today, and we were discussing the dire state of my finances. The conversation turned (rather obscurely) to cashpoint machines, and my Mum's admission that she can't cope with them. She's not the best with computers and technology, my Mum. She's the sort of person that, when dragging files into folders, presses the button a bit harder when dragging lots of them, and almost pushes the mouse through the desk. Presumably because it's heavier, so is more likely to slip as she is moving them. Hmmmm.

Anyway, she was explaining that she doesn't go near cashpoints, and doesn't really understand them ("I fear change" is somewhat of an understatement). So, her husband was chuckling and decided to recount the last/first time my Mum was introduced to Cash Machines, in the middle of a busy shopping centre in Canada about 8 years ago:

Brock's Mum's Hubby: "Oh look. I'll see if my cashcard works in the machines over here and we can get some money out"

Brock's Mum: "But our account is in England? Will the machines talk to each other?"

BMH (patiently): "Yes, they're connected by computer" - inserts card


BM (In a very loud and clear voice): "Why did you just type in 1955?"

BMH (sighing, and in a weary voice): "Because that is, well... WAS, our secret number!"

BM: "Oh."

Bless her. Technology scares her. It made me laugh my socks off, anyway.


At 17 April, 2005 21:28, Blogger Ms. Entropy said...

That is funny. Mine still can't grasp the idea that email can be checked from other computers:

"But, my account is on MY computer. I need to sign up for a new one, if I'm checking it from work, don't I?"

"No, Mom. It doesn't work like that. Then why would people need email? Why not use the regular postal service?"

"I never thought of it like that. I still don't believe you."


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