Monday, January 24, 2005


Much as it galls me to even think about work at night, never mind post about it, selected highlights of the conversation I had with the Technical Director today:

Background: TD is a skinflint. Of the worst kind. He saves cardboard boxes from the deliveries we get. He even took them home and stored them in his garage when I got so fed up at not being able to move at work that I threw them all out. He also thinks that Tool Fairs in village halls are good places to buy tools (spanners, ratchets and stuff) for people that work all day to use to build £12K engines...

TD "Hmmm. I've just been asked to sign this cheque for these tools"

Me (Having spent all my Friday afternoon off sorting out tools for the Production area - of which I am in charge amongst other things, and knowing what's coming) "Yeah? You mean the ones that the MD blanket approved for me to get on Friday?"

TD "Mmmmm. Well. Um. I have a few questions..."

Me (tiredly)"I've been through this, I have already negotiated the discounts and been through all this. The reason I went down to the shop myself, in my time, was so that I could choose the best kit for the money".

TD "Well... I've been looking through this catalogue, and these..(points out 2 or 3 things that are about £2-£4 less each item. On a £515 order) are cheaper."

Me "But they're shit."

TD "Weeeelll, you always say that..."

Me "Yes, (TD). That's 'cos they're shit and made of cheese. I'm not buying that stuff and expecting the boys to work with that all day."

Later, and having worked (slowly) through a 6 page list:

TD (Still determined to convince me that I am being frivolous)" You're buying four of these hammers, they're really expensive. Do you really need four?"

Me "If it makes you feel better, I'll have just the two. Although, being as we have spent £4,500 on engine build stands alone last week, I think that me spending any more of my time trying to justify spending £500, on all the tools we need for production, is pointless. Are you going to sign the cheque or not? They're delivering all of this tomorrow morning, and they've gone home for the day now. We can't change it even if we want to."

TD leaves looking crestfallen. Then perks up, incredibly, as he realises he has talked me out of something and so saved...

...wait for it...

£30. From a £515 order (pre vat).

Bloke opposite is hunched over his desk with shaking shoulders trying to hide his laughter as I sit back at mine and try very hard not to type the keys through the fucking desk. I start to type an e-mail out to the bloke at the tool suppliers asking why he had quoted for four hammers when I had specified two...

Smug is NOT the word...


At 25 January, 2005 13:49, Blogger Warhead said...

The world looks different when you have control of the purse strings ..... you begin to think everyone is ripping you off .... AND THEY ARE.


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