Sunday, January 23, 2005

Cold Dog

Cold Dog
Originally uploaded by Brock.

I'd been for a walk in the village up the road from me, and saw this poor dog stuck outside the pub. He was really friendly, and not at all happy about being outside. It was 2 degrees, so I'm not surprised.

I made a fuss of him by way of recompense, but thought it was a bit off to take him into the pub to his owners and shout "Wankers! How would you like it!" at them.

That'd probably be going a bit far.


At 26 January, 2005 23:27, Blogger Sal said...

actually you don't need to worry too much about dogs & cold. they have a higher body temp than humans and much much better insulation. the RSPCA for example regularly advises people not to bother jumping in to winter ponds/rivers/etc in attempt to rescue their dogs which have fallen in, because what happens is the police turn up to find a frozen human in the drink and a wet dog bouncing and barking on the riverside.


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