Friday, January 21, 2005


What do you get if you cross four Engineers, an Environmental Scientist, a large scalextric track, several cars and loads of digital cameras?

This, which resulted in this and this. In turn, of course, it ended in non damaging tears.

Everything survived, cars and cameras all, despite the fiendish plan of my mates. This involved being unimpressed with my early attempts at lapping with the camera on board as being "too careful" so they took me to the pub to ply me with beer and we had another go when we got back. This resulted in much faster laps, surprisingly enough. So it's not true what they say! It does make you drive faster when you drink. Although I did keep crashing. Sometimes as infrequently as only three times a lap...

This was, as the footage shows, much funnier. And most of the pictures were taken at that point.

Scalextric rocks...

Footage will be available to the select few that catch my eye, pending approval from the lovely person doing the hosting...

Naked pictures of women will increase your case for receiving access to the footage, but probably only if you send them to me, rather than her...



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