Saturday, January 08, 2005

The trials of being me part 1

I get easily irritated by things. I also either understand how most things work, or I take them apart until I do. I may even, if I am feeling generous, put them back together. Particularly if they belong to someone else.

I took the fan in my bathroom apart last night, it's one of those that comes on with the light, as it was starting to make too much noise and vibrate and generally piss me off. I took the cover off, and started to take the motor apart. It occured to me as I did this, that the electrical connections were very close together and all bare and everything.

Then I went and turned the isolator switch off. I'm obviously getting good or less brave in my old age.

I cleaned all the dust off the fan (the source of the vibration - it sticks to the blades and un-balances the fan) and put the motor back together. I then trimmed some tape around the edge of the cover and put it back on (the source of the noise - the vibration makes the cover rattle against the wall).

All well and good. A job well done. Anally retentive and perfectionist, but well done. There is one problem, however. Twice this morning I have gone into the bathroom, and both times I have forgotten to turn the bloody light off in the bathroom afterwards as the row that the fan had been making must have reminded me to do it before. This is starting to get on my tits now, instead.

How fucking pathetic is that? I appear to require a certain amount of irritation in my life, and it's source just shifts until equilibrium is restored.

Maybe if I had loads of money, it would just piss me off having to count it.

Maybe I should get a bloody grip.


At 08 January, 2005 21:26, Blogger Brock said...

Blimey, are the DIY requests never to end? I seem to remember some sort of request for kitchen DIY back in the dim and distant mists of time.


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