Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The creative juices

I have been champing at the bit to get back on the interweb after such an enforced absence.


So now my mind goes completely blank. Bugger.

What is it about not being able to do something that makes you want it an inordinate, and slightly obsessive, amount? (any ideas, Sue? xx)

I kept thinking of things to rant about, and then getting all het up about not being able to 'throw it down', as the hip kids probably say. If they don't now, they will soon, mark my words. They'll have some damn stupid name for 'typing in a universally available format with public access and option to post comments', I bet you. Just saying 'Blogging' will be "Soooo '04. You have no idea about the modern world".

Aren't young people bastards.

Ah, there we go. I seem to have squeezed out a rant. So to speak.



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