Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Moving II (the Van from Yellow Hell)

The agenda today was that we (my mate Keith was hired muscle for the day) were to move the majority of my, and lets be fair here, 'shite' to my new flat. It was very tiring, tedious and sweaty work. We had the most vile and hideous yellow van you can imagine - a 20 foot long, 10 foot high monstrosity. At least it was fast, so it wasn't all bad. It was, surprisingly, the last van left in the yard when I went to collect it because all the white ones had gone. There's a thing, eh. I may sneak back up there tomorrow and take a picture of it if I remember to take my camera to work. Don't hold your breath though, eh?

But my new flat is FAB!!!

I am actually, and probably for the first time since I was in the second year at Uni, really looking forward to moving in properly to a house that actually feels 'home' even before I am in properly. This is due to happen on Saturday. I have a few evenings up here to have; I am going out for a meal tomorrow and I am due to be ensconsced in my local pub with a crowd of people on Friday night (some of whom I might actually know. Stranger things have happened) and will try not to get hideously drunk as a, sort of, leaving do. I would hate there to be anything formal, as the idea deeply offends me, but you have to use that sort of terminology to make sure that people know you are actually going somewhere. The people here are all a bit random when it comes to paying attention, bless them.

I wish to stay reasonably compus mentus, as I do have to pack my computer and the rest of my clothes ready to drive down to the new place for good. I will see how well I do, these things have a habit of getting out of hand...

We'll see. I am deeply worried about my lack of organisation with respect to a phone line at my new place though... I won't even have dial-up at this rate, never mind broadband!!!

Is that actually tolerable? I think not. Maybe I'll order it online later. I have to buy cleaning stuff for the Grand Finale "Cleaning of the flat just enough to get the whole deposit back". What an arse that job is.


At 24 August, 2004 22:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with it then!
Noooo, you need a net connection, otherwise who'll stalk me?

At 25 August, 2004 12:09, Blogger Sal said...


heh: http://www.adslguide.org.uk/tools/speedtest.asp = 36k actual


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