The point of no return.

Well, then. I am at Gatwick. Ignore the fact that I told some of you I was flying from Heathrow. I thought I was too until I got there and the bloke at the information desk pointed out I was at the wrong place. Feckin internet booking. I asked for as flight from Heathrow, and it gave me one from Gatwick. Probably should have checked, mind you. What a twat. Still, we managed to get to Gatwick (despite the detour) on time. My main concern was to get here early enough to get an emergency exit seat so that I would have enough legroom to avoid any danger of Deep Brain Bamboozle, or whatever they call it - I always struggle with plane seats and find even 2 hour flights uncomfortable in the normal seats. I even managed to charm the lady checking me in, despite her having started work at 5am, sufficiently to get the seat without the usual £50 extra charge. Marvellous. My flirtatious affliction clearly has its uses.
In fact, if anything, I was pretty early - here at 8 for a 1220 flight) and if any of you know my Dad's punctuality record (like mine, for those that know, but much worse) that was a major shocker. His wife and I were even considering lying to him about when the flight was to make sure I got here on time, but didn't need to in the end. I'd probably have got here some time last week if we'd done that. I'd have had to go all Tom Hanks.
Still, I'm here now, and have even managed to slap some shite pictures up. Sorry about that, but very little at airports catches the eye to photograph, except the many lovely ladies that always seem to fly everywhere. Ah, the lives of the rich, famous and eye-candy-ness. I shall rub shoulders with real people for a bit to see if any success rubs off on me. I doubt it.
I also, for total pointless reference, have my Keep It Real Frog T-shirt on, and some Flickr badges on my day sack. I wonder if anyone will comment, or spot them... Enough yanks (and normal people) coming through here to make it possible, I suppose. What doesn't bode well for my extended stay in the US, is that I have already been grinding my teeth about someone saying "Skedule" repeatedly (as opposed to the correct "Sh-edule"). And that was just in the Departures lounge queue... Ah. I must try and be tolerant, I suspect.
the worlds best travelling companion
who is having issues with blogger
Dirty git, I bet you didn't wash it - you were wearing it all weekend!
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