Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sometimes even I wonder about the state of my mind...

I was being provoked in #flickr - the IRC chat channel:

* Wolfsauge tries to keep silent loudly
* Brock goes to stir his meat
Brock: What?
Brock: I'm cooking!
wirehead: Brock must have to shave the hair on his palms.
Brock: No, friction usually gets it off
Brock: ecentually
Brock: *eventually
* Brock makes a note not to fuck up punchlines with poor typing
Meer: it was still funny
Brock: Why thank you, my dear
Brock: It's amazing how lust clouds your cois judgment
Brock: oh, for fucks sake
Brock: this is getting silly
Meer: heh
Brock: that was supposed to be 'comic'
Brock: bah
*** squarewithin has joined #flickr.
Meer: hard to type w/ one hand?
Brock: You know it, honey
Brock: It's even harder to type with two, I keep slapping my cock on the keys...
Meer: eww *dies laughing*


At 07 May, 2006 16:58, Blogger Louise said...

The "Enter" key being your favourite of course...


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