Snap on Swag

Snap on Swag
Originally uploaded by Brock.
It's not that I particularly wanted a Snap-on T-shirt, it's more that I feel I deserve some free stuff and that I refuse to pay for the T-shirts I wear for work. It would spoil my 100% record of free work clothing at all times...
I had to hassle Rob (the Snap-on bloke) for about 10 minutes, though. They never like giving discount, never mind freebies. This is a (much!) shortened version:
Me: "What are all these T-shirts for? Are these free?"
(I take one and put it under my arm only to have it taken off me and put back on the pile. Twice).
Rob: "Get your bloody hands off them, they're part of the promotion. You have to buy something to get a chance of one."
Me: Picking up something miniscule and very cheap) "How much is this? If I buy it do I get a T-shirt?"
"You get a chance at the raffle if you buy something. There's all sorts in there to promote the World Cup as well as T-shirts - England T-shirt, footballs, flags, goalposts sets for the kids..."
"Yeah, but that's all shit. I just want a T-shirt, not any of that crap. I hate football."
"Well, it's not for just giving out, it's for the promotion."
"Why do I have to buy it, anyway? I've spent about £2,500 on bloody tools with Snap-on over the last 10 years. Where's my T-shirt?"
(I keep mooching around the van poking everything and moving it, with Rob following me and putting it back. Sighing)
"Do you think that you can just hassle me into giving you free stuff? It's for promotions with sales of tools, you know."
"What if I buy this? Do I get a T-shirt then?"
(poke and move)
"What about this?"
(poke and move)
"And this?"
(poke and move)
*sighs*"You aren't actually going to buy anything, are you?"
"Nope. I just want a T-shirt."
- some time later -
"Come on, just buy something. You're not getting a free T-shirt, cos I don't make any money if you don't buy anything so why should I give you something for free? I haven't sold anything!"
"I reckon you are going to sell a big fat lump of fuck all for the rest of the day if I don't get anything, cos I'm not getting off the van empty handed. So that means you aren't going to make any more calls today, doesn't it?"
"Very funny."
(I just stand and grin at him. Then poke some stuff on the shelf without looking at it.)
(with a weary smile) "If I give you a T-shirt, will you get off my bloody van?"
(Laughing)"Oh, for fucks sake! Here!"(throws these two T-shirts at me)! Now get out!!"
I win. Hahaha.
Ha ha! You are fantastic. I managed to blag 60 gallons of free paint the other day.
Didn't get a t-shirt though...
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