Friday, June 30, 2006

Lack of sleep doesn't help

Travelling with glamour on Vimeo

The morning after I recorded the above video (I was playing with the compact video setting on my new camera), I stumbled down to breakfast. A bit late and trying to get some coffee and something approximating breakfast to eat (american budget/roadside hotel breakfasts, in the main, suck Donkey cock). As I was trying to wake up enough to remember if it was the big end or the little end of the cup that I had to pour the coffee into, and so not scald my hand, I heard a warbly Southern voice behind me:

"Can I ah-sist you with an arse-waffle"?

That confused me, I can tell you. I turned to see a little old lady that worked behind the desk - all translucent skin, wrinkles and glasses like Ikea glass wall tiles.

"Um. I beg your pardon?"

"I sayed, can I ah-sist you with an arse waffle?"

(flummoxed) "Er. No, thanks. I think I'm probably fine".

It was only as she asked someone else as I walked out that I realised she had said "nice waffle". Which is an odd concept in itself (particularly in a cheap hotel), so you can understand my confusion, surely?


At 03 July, 2006 15:37, Blogger Sal said...

bwah hah hah haaaa...
you'd get that crinkly cross-hatched pattern on your arse, not to mention some serious scalding. but maybe the maple syrup reduces scarring


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