Fighting to get away from Portland.

There were a fair few delays getting away from Portland (we nearly missed our connection at Vegas, and this was the view back down the taxi way as we started to line up for departure. One of those rare times when I have all of the following occur:
1: I see something and think "Oooh, that looks cool".
2: I make the leap to "that would make a great picture"
3: I have my camera with me and accessible
4: I don't fumble and fuck about and miss the opportunity and swear at myself for about half an hour afterwards.
It's nice when they all line up. Maybe if it happens more, the aesthetics may become important in my photo taking, rather than just taking pictures of stuff that reminds me of things to write about (when I get the time to...).
One of those occasional shots that I am actually proud of. I don't care if no-one else likes it.
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