Sunday, June 11, 2006

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me

From me. To me.

I have wanted an iPod for ages, but haven't had either the money, or the projected usage to justify it. Now I will be flying on average once a week for the next three months, I think the time has come. I even bought the little docking station thing so that I can have music in my room, and so stop having to watch the shit on the TV just to stop being bored...

Although I did get a $50 discount on the stuff in the picture (I played the "It's my birthday, and no-one is here to buy it for me" card), I am really glad that I am the way I am about birthdays. After all, I am about to go out an eat an evening meal on my birthday alone - 4,000 miles away from any of my friends, or in fact anyone I have known for more than 2 days (bar one person who is still too far away to eat with anyway).

Lesser (better?) people may get depressed by that, I suppose, but I could have got hold of some of the guys from the team if I'd actually wanted to, but I couldn't be arsed with it and the fuss. I just wanted to relax, get my bearings in the US and do my toy shopping today, which I very much enjoyed.

Marvellous. Happy birthday me, the miserable old, antisocial bastard. But perfectly fine being it.


At 11 June, 2006 11:35, Blogger Syl said...

Happy Birthday Brockles..


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