While posting on someone's picture on Flickr today, I had a flashback about the weekend the boys came down:It was during the weekend that The boys came down to visit. As predicted, it got rather messy. We went to the pub down the road that plays really good live music, and Keith (the bastard) was feeding me double vodka's and Red Bull from about half past 10. The pub, I should point out, doesn't shut until 2am. So by the time that the band (very good, they were too) had finished, I was several sheets to the wind, and a touch hyper-active. I took over the (empty) dance floor, on the basis that the songs were good (if superbly cheesy) and people should have been dancing.. To say that I was under the affluence of incohol would be an understatement... Apparently, the dancing was rather spectacular. I started off being really stupid and taking the piss - lots of Saturday Night Fever style 'shapes' and the like. I don't usually do serious (as in 'taking myself..ly') so just did very silly things and just sort of pissed about. That is about as much as I can remember, before the dull haze that was 'impending hangover' descended and still, to this day, denies me recall of any more.
Probably for the best.
But I was told the following day that, whilst my mates were laughing so much they went red and couldn't breathe, that my MC Hammer moves were so good that three girls took to the dance floor and tried to copy them as if it was a serious 'dance off'. Apparebtly I can actually dance when i am absolutely hammered. Julio even admitted to being 'quote impressed'. I cut a mean shape, when I have little knowledge of the ability to be self-aware, it appears.
I was completely oblivious, and only really remember thinking vaguely at some point:
"No-one is dancing".
That was as far as my memory went. I had a MAJOR hangover the following day...
Now there's a shocker, eh?
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