Monday, July 04, 2005

Supermarket evilness

You go to the Supermarket, and buy your week(or so)'s shopping. They have taken to asking, over the last couple of years, if you are "ok with the packing". Presumably they ask everyone so as not to have any irate 60 year old kick up a stink because he was 'accused of being infirm' if they only say for the cashiers to ask old people.

It always amuses me when they ask me, so when they say

"Are you ok packing?"

I usually smile when I say

"Yes, thank you".

Is it my imagination, or do the fuckers fire the stuff down the ramp at you that bit faster when you say 'yes'? You can almost hear them, through the saccharine grin, thinking

"Oh! Alright with the packing are we, smug boy? Well, we'll fucking see about that, won't we?"

They are clearly being immensely childish and trying to put you under extra pressure and catch you out. Pathetic really. It just shows how little there is in their day that trying to rush you like that brings them such pleasure, or is even important or warrants a reaction. I always end up knocking shit over or pinging something onto the floor in the rush to stay ahead of them.

'Cos, I mean, you can't let the fuckers win, can you?


At 04 July, 2005 22:36, Blogger Brock said...

Salve labour? Do they tend to your every need and then moisturise your lips?

At 05 July, 2005 10:14, Blogger Flash said...

I can never get the freaking bags open so I've taken to getting them to do that for me.


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