Wednesday, February 02, 2005


What do you get if you cross a back that hurts constantly, Ibuprofen, A hot water bottle, an idiot, a kettle and all day?

I'll tell you. You get painkillers that not only dull your back pain to a steady throb allowing you to walk between your chair and the kitchen in a style much less reminiscent of Cromagnon Man, but that also dull the warning signs that tell you your hot water bottle is too hot...

It felt lovely, and seemed to be helping. Sadly it appears to have also (through my fleece and a t-shirt!) raised a blister on my back.


What an idiot. Now not only does my back hurt whenever I move, but also when my T-shirt rubs against it. Bloody marvellous.

Still, at least the link from my computer to work set up ok so that I can get some work done while I'm stuck at home. Could have been worse, I could only have had a DVD player and a playstation to keep me occupied.



At 02 February, 2005 19:16, Blogger Lexie's Mum said...

Good god, man, how many neurofen did you take, and just how hot was your hot water bottle?

At 03 February, 2005 12:15, Blogger Noely Noel said...

He left all his lovely friends behind when he moved away. I'm not sure if his new-fangled friends are lovely =o]

At 07 February, 2005 14:00, Blogger Warhead said...

Shazbat! I'm sorry to hear about yer misfortunes, Brockles. It's a few days since you posted, so I hope the back is on the mend. Pity I'm not closer or I could have been the guy to bring around the chicken casserole and give you a bed-bath.


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