Tuesday, February 01, 2005


"The other day a woman came up to me and said, "Didn't I see you on television?" I said, "I don't know. You can't see out the other way."
- Emo Philips

(from funjunkie)

That really made me giggle, despite the fact that I have royally screwed my back at work today, and am now stuck in this damn chair. Seriously. I sat here to check my emails, and I can't get out of the chair without screaming and shouting loud sweary words. Including such favourites as "Ah! MotherFUCKER! and "BUGGERFUCKTWAT!".

Among others, of course.

I was walking through the factory today, in search of a pallet truck of 'typical dimensions' to prove a mounting concept for our Dyno cells (yawn), when I slipped on a badly cleared up oil spill. I did that slip/stop/jar-the-fuck-out-of-your-back thing. Know the one? Where it would have actually been less painful to have just fallen over and smacked the fuck out of my head on the concrete. Maybe even on a sharp pointy object, with a rusty and poison encrusted edge. Covered in vinegar. And salt. And cat piss.

It was ok straight after but worse after about half an hour, and by the time I gave up and came home I couldn't walk at more than a mellow shuffle withough grimacing and not lift my right leg without shouting. I also shouted a particular 'c' word at my lustiest and violent top volume across the car park as I tried to lift my right leg into the car to drive home (rather dangerously as it turned out). It really, and I don't say this lightly, FUCKING hurts.

I also, for your added amusement, went to change into my tracksuit and fleece so that I would be more comfortable after I got home and had started cooking dinner. I then spent 10 minutes on my back shouting and gasping because I toppled onto my back while trying to get my trousers off and couldn't move or raise myself up. Seriously. It hurt so bad that if I wasn't such a rock hard mo-fo I'd have cried. I literally couldn't sit up. All this with the sound of my pasta boiling over in the background as if to taunt me...

I just want to get up so that I can have a hot bath, finish off my medicinal bottle of wine (as a relaxant, you understand) and go to bed to see if it is ok in the morning. I am, in all seriousness, partially crippled.

Not. Having. Fun.


At 03 February, 2005 03:24, Blogger Apprentice said...

Brock, I just know you've already thought of this, but 'c' stands for compensation, and crime and comfortable days of leisure, and some other stuff that doesn't begin with a c. You wrote : "I am, in all seriousness, partially crippled.". That's extremely serious. What does your doc have to say?


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