Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Recovery - *ADVISORY* - dull as fuck introspective post alert!!!11111one

Being as some of you asked how I was, I decided to tell you all. (Ok. One of you asked/expressed interest/care/lack of apathy/Jesse. You take what you get in this world, I can tell you.)

Whilst I am amazed that I twisting my back so severely, despite doing it in such an utterly innocuous manner, I am also quite surprised at the level of recovery. As of Sunday, despite the problems associated with being a bit stiff when bending (it was poking me in the eye... hur hur hur) the effects of a massively painful experience that genuinely left me as good as crippled for 2 1/2 days, and not much cop for a further day, I feel fine.

I have decided that I need to do something about all this. I know that if I was fitter, not only would I have been less likely to have hurt myself but also that I would have recovered faster with the additional muscle support. With more sport/exercise I would probably have been a bit more agile and not slipped in the first place anyway. I am obviously feeling the effects of having what is a much more desk orientated job than I have had for the last 8 years.

It has rather highlighted my constant tiredness as well. Even given that I was knackered all the time before last week, 5 days of a near bloody catatonic, forcibly immobile, state appears to have completely floored me. After a day at work and shopping on the way home, I was absolutely spent and only wanted to go to bed. I even signed off an email at 10 on the basis that I was going to crash out straight after, and I fully intended to. However, I then spent the next few hours getting side tracked by flickr forums. I appear to have cultivated the attention span of a 3 year old and didn't get to bed until 1230. I was, of course , wide awake by this point also. Marvelous. Why do I keep doing this?

My theory is that I am not as tired as I feel. I think I am not physically or mentally tired (or at least not as much as I feel), but drained in some other way. A dietary deficiency, maybe? I went to the Doc's on Friday to check my lower half wasn't going to fall off (you have to ask these things) and made my case, rather strongly given the "Everyone says they are always tired" reaction of my previous doctor last year, that I wanted checking out. I now have a blood test on Friday morning.

Now we'll see, I guess. If that comes back clear, I may have to face the unthinkable: That I'm becoming a couch potato, my tiredness is a function of my lack of exercise and that I am a lazy fuck.

Hmmmm. That wouldn't probably count as the biggest shock of my life...


At 08 February, 2005 23:46, Blogger Warhead said...

Well, if it was 'only' muscular, a week is probably right for getting back on track.

As for the tiredness ..... did you see Robert Winston's programme on sleep last week? I know I don't get nearly enough sleep, particularly since I got broadband but I'm now so used to getting only 5 or 6 hours sleep per night that I find it hard to sleep longer .... but get drowsy at work if I'm not actively occupied.

I need to revise my lifestyle.


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