Sunday, February 20, 2005


Quite by surprise, a social life fell into my lap for the weekend. Keith rang out of the blue on Thursday and decided to come down Friday afternoon. The endlessly entertaining Julio Clarkio (the Spanish/Geordie Super-hero) also managed to get here for Saturday night from the opposite side of the country at very short notice.

Keith even decided to cook a chilli for the three of us on Saturday night, much to our mutual surprise, although he actually cooked enough for about 10 people. He even cooked a less hot version for me, I am not a fan of spicy foods, or as they preferred to call it "Some namby-pamby, soft bloody Southerner, gay boy stuff". We watched the football (well, they did, I just took the piss) in the pub while it was cooking, and we battered a couple of bottles of wine whilst we watched Julio have 4 full servings until he stopped being hungry. Christ, that boy can put the food away.

We then retired to the pub, where we met up with Siobhan toward the end of the evening. Who is, incidentally, a long way toward being a lightweight. We had been drinking since 5 that evening, Siobhan only joined us for the last hour in the pub and a G&T when we got back to mine and was more pissed than all of us, and had a worst hangover. She was suitably ashamed, although I think she has suffered enough for her crime, frankly. She was way too pissed to walk home, so she had to crash in the (not all that large, and open plan) flat with three great big drunk blokes farting their chilli arsed way through the night. Keith woke me up in the middle of the night with his snoring (fuck, it's bad!) and I was highly amused that he actually paused in his snoring for a languishing and sonorous fart of a good 3 seconds duration. I was sniggering for about 5 minutes after that.

Eeeeeh, but farts are funny.

They've both just gone home now, so the windows are wide open to try and revert to normal air quality. At least this weekend (amid the other stupidity, giggling and general silliness) I have finally nailed down my worries about how drunk and consequently ill I was at New Year. I seem to have aquired a reactio to Lager. I drank bitter/Guinness and the like this weekend, in no small quantities, and was pretty much back to normal. Slight hangovers the next day, but with still some degree and awareness of how drunk I am getting, allowing me to moderate and control it. At New Year, I felt fine one minute then super-pissed the next, despite only drinking about 2/3 of a normal 'heavy night' quantity, and had the 12 hour hangover from hell the next day. Weird. Still, it appears to be the lager.

Anyway, after a massive fry up for breakfast and a late lunch of the remains of the Chilli (yes, Julio had double helpings!) the boys have gone home. I am so knackered, but had a great time. Keith's snoring kept me awake for most of the last two nights, so I am going to bed early tonight. That is the one main disadvantage of the open plan flat. I like it in every other way, but I would have liked to have shut the grunting hippo impression behind a few inches of solid wood by 4 o'clock this morning, I can tell you.


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