Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ears and old people.

I've just been watching a news section on Dresden and the Second World War, and I've noticed an interesting point about getting older. Look at an old man's ears. They are enormous! Massive! Huge! The guy on the TV just now had lobes half the size of his head!

And yet, when we get old we can't hear as well. Has anyone told Mother Nature that lobes aren't the bit we hear with? No matter how long they grow, we can't hear any better. This is the most compelling evidence that I have seen that Nature is indeed 'mother', and hence a woman.

Only a woman would try so hard to help without any awareness or consideration of logic or factual information.

Although I've noticed that old women don't have huge ears. Hmmmm. Maybe it's not helping. Maybe it's revenge for all those years of not listening...


At 16 February, 2005 07:22, Blogger Brock said...

But that makes all the weight at the front.

I'm dooooooooomed, I tell you! Dooooooomomed!

At 16 February, 2005 09:14, Blogger Warhead said...

Hey, here's a thought, when you're 50 you can cahnge your nickname to Dumbo.

At 16 February, 2005 09:15, Blogger Warhead said...

or even change your name to Dumbo.


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