A weeks shopping (and maybe a bit more)
A weeks shopping (and maybe a bit more)
Originally uploaded by Brock.
Tell me, oh wise people, if it is expensive in the UK.
This is enough food to see me through just over a week. With wine and beer it cost me £55. I was a bit upset about that, should I move to a cheaper country?
That's what happens when you buy expensive beer like Grolsh (sp?) I bet that wine weren't cheap either!
And there's no point buying shite, is there? Still, doesn't matter. It's all gone now. I may have to have a quick word with Mr Daniels as to thhe pro's and con's of buying expensive lager...
"So then (*gurgle gurgle*) about this lager..."
a WEEK? i've looked and i've looked and i've looked, and if you eliminate the sugar crap (the biscuits and so on), there's about 2 days' food there. maybe 3 if you... no, there's about 2 days' food there. and lopsided-diet food. how the hell do you eat like that without getting fat? you need to eat more and denser.
Who says I'm not fat?
And there is plenty of food there. Admittedly I have rice, pasta and potatoes to bolster it, but that is all. The rest is there.
It will be a dull week, I'll grant you, but a week none the less. One can't diet and save money at the same time, so this week I shall do neither, it would seem.
1. Good god, man, don't you eat vegetables?
2. Patently your plonk is too expensive.
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