Thursday, December 23, 2004

A weeks shopping (and maybe a bit more)

A weeks shopping (and maybe a bit more)
Originally uploaded by Brock.

Tell me, oh wise people, if it is expensive in the UK.

This is enough food to see me through just over a week. With wine and beer it cost me £55. I was a bit upset about that, should I move to a cheaper country?


At 23 December, 2004 23:16, Blogger Flash said...

That's what happens when you buy expensive beer like Grolsh (sp?) I bet that wine weren't cheap either!

At 23 December, 2004 23:22, Blogger Brock said...


And there's no point buying shite, is there? Still, doesn't matter. It's all gone now. I may have to have a quick word with Mr Daniels as to thhe pro's and con's of buying expensive lager...

"So then (*gurgle gurgle*) about this lager..."

At 24 December, 2004 01:08, Blogger Sal said...

a WEEK? i've looked and i've looked and i've looked, and if you eliminate the sugar crap (the biscuits and so on), there's about 2 days' food there. maybe 3 if you... no, there's about 2 days' food there. and lopsided-diet food. how the hell do you eat like that without getting fat? you need to eat more and denser.

At 24 December, 2004 01:14, Blogger Brock said...

Who says I'm not fat?

And there is plenty of food there. Admittedly I have rice, pasta and potatoes to bolster it, but that is all. The rest is there.

It will be a dull week, I'll grant you, but a week none the less. One can't diet and save money at the same time, so this week I shall do neither, it would seem.

At 24 December, 2004 02:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Good god, man, don't you eat vegetables?

2. Patently your plonk is too expensive.



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