Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Potentially moving.

I am going to give this thing run for a while. I am always one to adopt new stuff (after sitting and lurking for a while) and the ability to leave private posts for people (allowing me to give information pertaining to real life stuff to my friends) is pretty good, I reckon.

So. There is a post there now which, oddly and appropriately enough, tells of my impending move again.

This time, folks, it looks like it will be Canada. Have a look. I will add more information when appropriate people create accounts and log in so they can see them...

Monday, October 09, 2006

See? Told you I was down with the kids.

Originally uploaded by ellipse.

This is me bustin' some moves in the LA subs, man.


(any accusations of the use of trick photography or potatoshop will be looked upon rather dimly, and there is every chance of a frown...)

They spelt 'legs' wrong.

They spelt 'legs' wrong.
Originally uploaded by Brock.

I got this fortune cookie the other day.

How much funnier (and true) would it have been if they had spelt it right? After all, doors pretty much always need keys...