Um. I slipped

Um. I slipped
Originally uploaded by Brock.
Hmmm. It appears that old habits die hard. Due to the fact that I am in a bit of a general grump this morning, I decided I needed some therapy. So I went shopping.
I never buy clothes or shoes unless absolutely necessary, so some other kind was called for. I hate clothes shopping - they are functional at best, I get no enjoyment from them really. I'd rather not stupid, but as long as I have clean clothes that are confortable, that is about as far as I go.
So I went to Amazon and bought some things that I have been meaning to for ages. Particularly the incredibly expensive Blues Brothers DVD. It is shocking that such a magnificent film is out of print (or whatever the term is), and so the only way to get it is with a great big special edition. Still the extra two discs may actually be good, you never know.
Oh, and for reference for those that don't know, this sort of "Bah. Bastards. Right, fuck it. Where's my credit card?" attitude was what caused me to screw my finances at University...
I am in control now, though. I was much younger then, and I haven't actually done this for ages, and the bill is scary enough that I won't do it again for a while. Honest. Besides I was going to buy a new camera instead, and that would have been about twice as much. See? See how good I am?
you slipped?! did you fall? did you hit your head? how many fingers am i holding up??
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