This may turn out to be something entertaining.
Or it may fall flat on it's arse like a duck on an ice rink. It could become a window into my soul, I suppose. Although I don't really subscribe to all that hippy crap, so I doubt it.
Born 200 years ago after a freak pairing between a wasp and a particularly bad cold, the ethereal embryo that became Brock wandered through people’s consciences gradually becoming more cynical and unhinged until his current physical form was discovered behind a bin at the back of McDonald’s a year and a half ago.
His computer experience was gained whilst being repeatedly hit around the head with a Sinclair ZX81 at the age of 13, and from standing outside PC World waiting for a bus for an hour.
I'll have some Wset clery fries the tripe but no beautiful pole for me, ta!
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