Sunday, January 29, 2006

Defining "how to unsettle a bloke"

Ok, imagine this scenario for me, if you would:

It's 9pm Saturday, and I am getting ready to leave for the evening. I am (surprise, surprise) running a little bit late to go and watch a film at a friend of mine's. I get to the door with bottle of wine and my coat on, but then decide that, actually, I'd best have a quick crap before I go anywhere. I'm one of those people that would much rather dump in my own house, given the choice. Anyway, I drop my coat and the wine down and nip into the toilet.

So there I am. Sat, slightly flustered from the rushing around and being late, crapping. I'm thinking how long it is going to take me to walk up the road and whether I should text to say I'll be late, or if it won't be late enough to bother. As I'm thinking about it, my mobile rings in my pocket and due to not being completely on the ball, I answer it on auto pilot.

So how composed would you be if you were in that situation, and a bloke was ringing, totally out of the blue, from Canada to talk about offering you a job?

It rather threw me, and no mistake. Totally unexpected. I quickly made some story up about how expensive mobiles were and suggested he rang me on my home phone. Mainly to stall long enough to give me the vital thirty seconds I needed to get myself composed and get off the can. I mean, how the hell can you talk about job offers on the shitter? You can't, surely?

Weird. Rather surreal indeed. It is a very interesting offer; I am waiting for the confirmation email with all the details in it so that I can decide whether to take it or not. But a job offer thousands of miles away was the last thing I expected to fall out when I went into the smallest room, I can tell you...


At 30 January, 2006 21:57, Blogger Flash said...

Good luck with the Canada thing, me old mucker.

Toilets? Full of surprises, eh?

At 30 January, 2006 22:00, Blogger Brock said...

Talking of toilets, haven't you left france, yet?

At 31 January, 2006 06:54, Blogger Flash said...

Non, Mon ami. 4 and a half weeks to go.

At 01 February, 2006 16:30, Blogger Fuckkit said...

Take the job! Take it! :)

At 08 February, 2006 19:02, Blogger Louise said...

canada! Go, go now it'll be great. My sister said you were enquiring about me. Thanks! I'm a grown up now with a grown up job. One that means you can't be number one in a search for "zebra porn" (still not sure how that happened!) I'm great thanks. Hope you are well too!

Will pop by from time to time!


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