Thursday, June 16, 2005

6 days and counting

Holy fuck. Six days since my last post and nothing exciting or blog-worthy has occurred.

How depressing is that?

I am currently enjoying the delights of Vodka from the freezer. It is very relaxing and is going a long way to making me feel happier that the only highlight I have to look forward to is that I am going to a show this weekend. You know, like a trade show kind of thing. All very exciting, you might think.


It's for Motorhomes.

Bleeeuuuuuurrrrggghhhhhh. The heady heights of Rock'n'Roll excess elude me once again.

Sadly, I am actually looking forward to it; the Engineer type in me is interested in how the integration of modern technology with vehicle design has progressed. Clever design for a purpose has always interested me, boring though that may sound. I wouldn't normally even consider going to something like this (I'm not THAT interested!), however my Mum and her Hubby are looking to getting a Motorhome to do some cheap touring when they retire in a couple of years. It would seem sensible that I go along (as they requested it and all) to have a look now so that when they purchase one we should have spotted the real bargains from the over-priced crap.

Ah well. When I grow a personality I shall do exciting and dangerous things, and tell you all about them. Until then, I will be deeply dull and helpful and try and help a retiring couple...

How frantically suave of me. Errr....


At 18 June, 2005 10:21, Blogger Flash said...

hmmm, how very interesting!
You rock!

Just jesting matey, helping one's folks is always noble & thanks for the flicr tip!

At 20 June, 2005 18:21, Blogger Sal said...

motorhomes ROCK. tell them to try out scandinavia when they've got one. unbelievably organised and motorhome-friendly

key thing they'll want, over and above the basics: toilet (don't worry about the shower so much)


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