Thursday, May 26, 2005


For the second time in two days, one of our test cells has shat its pants and filled the cell with fuel.

This smells bad. Really bad.

And because we are short staffed at the moment, and that getting these £80,000 things up and running has been (another) of my jobs (along with the entire rest of the factory, from scratch - seriously), I have been running the initial tests with the engines, to make sure that they work ok, myself.

So when they don't, and piss fuel everywhere, I have to clean it up. Despite the extraction fans that we have that mean it is actually difficult to stand in the doorway, such is the air flow when they are on full flow, that with only 40 minutes with dustpans and mops and sand and shovels and brooms and and and and.... gives Brock a bit of a headache, and a distinct downturn to the mouth.

I stank when I came home from work. I even took a change of clothing in today as I knew I had a load of cleaning up to do after a spill (150 litres or so...) last night, but about an hour after I changed, the bloody thing shat itself when my back was turned and I opened the door and walked in onto an inch of fuel sloshing around on the floor.

Nice. If you like things that are as irritating and as smelly as FUCK.

I miss the days when I could just look through the door at the carnage, suck my teeth and shake my head and say:

"Well. Looks like you have some cleaning up to do."

Damn my professional attitude that means I need to keep them busy elsewhere, and so I don't get to sit at my nice comfy desk and direct them all from up high.

Did I mention that I have a headache?


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