Genius disabled button

Genius disabled button
Originally uploaded by Brock.
This is the "call for assistance" button for the disabled at my local cinema. It is located inside the building, just past the swing of the entrance door, but about 3 feet from the ticket counter (ie within the area designated for queueing) and five feet off the floor...
What the fuck were they thinking? Where was the logic? Here are the scenarios for someone in their wheelchair struggling:
1 - Help required to get in through the heavy doors: Tough shit. The button is on the inside.
2 - Help is required (from inside) and there are people in the queue: Press button for help.... no... wait. It's too high to reach. The queue of people are also in the way for you to get to it anyway. Ok, ask someone in the queue to press the button for you. Or maybe just ignore the fucking button and ask the last one in the queue to open the door?
3 - Help is required and there is no-one in the queue: Roll up to the desk and ask them yourself. Can't see over the (quite high, actually) desk? Go and press the button. Oh... wait... It's too fucking high to reach!.
Need I go on? I can't think of a scenario where the button would be useful. If there is anyone around to press it for you, then why the hell do you need a button? And how humiliating would it be to not be able to even press the button to indicate that your disability is stopping you do something, that having to ask someone else to do it for youwouldn't make it worse?
I imagine that they had to put one in for regulation purposes, but no-one with a brain was involved with the locating of it, and it was just slapped there with all the other electrics.
"Jobsworthness" is a common affliction of electricians. In my office, they recently fitted a bank-teller-style bulletproof security access window, complete with microphone, panic button, sliding access tray and removable blind, at a cost of over £4000. Unfortunately they fitted this 3 feet inside the only lockable door, at right angles to the corridor. So, in theory, someone knocks on the door, I go out, let them in, run inside the access window and speak to them to see if I've just made a huge mistake.
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