Saturday, December 11, 2004

Death warmed up...

Bloody typical.

I have hired a suit (black tie), bought a dress shirt, paid for a room at the hotel for afterwards, cleaned my shoes, re-learnt how to tie a bow tie (fake ones, are so crap) all in all paying $100 odd for my works Christmas do.

So I feel very tired last night, I read my book for a little while, put it down, and remember thinking
"I feel really tired now, all of a sudden.."

Next thing I know, I awake with my alarm going still with the light on, still with my glasses on! I mean, I've fallen asleep with them on before, but never gone all night before waking. This may not seem all that odd to all the non-glasses wearer's out there, but it is indicative of my having not even moved during the night, as lying on your side on a pillow with glasses on is incredibly painful, and would wake the dead. I slept like a dead person, it would appear. I also woke feeling like crap, and really cold and tired. I turned the heating on, then turned it up 2 degrees higher than normal, then went back under my 2 duvets still wearing my tracksuit bottoms and my t-shirt and fleece. I woke up 3 hours later still not feeling all that warm, thank you very much, and aching all over. It's not even a cold day...

I suspect that would mean that I am ill.

So I am determined to get to my do tonight, at the very least to get my value for money from the food and the room. My previous plans for suavely circulating the room with my Dinner Suit on plying the local ladies with smooth and debonair chat may have to be shelved.

Bugger and double bugger. My life conspires against me again...

If I was feeling better, this would have been a really amusing and witty piece that I would have spent time on. I feel like shite, so it's dull and depressing. Tough shit.


At 17 December, 2004 10:50, Blogger Sal said...

"My previous plans for suavely circulating the room with my Dinner Suit on plying the local ladies with smooth and debonair chat may have to be shelved." .

No, no, they NEVER needed to be shelved. You may plan all you like.

Just accept that you will fall flat on your face getting nowhere just the same way you always do, with or without suit


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