Sunday, October 17, 2004

It would appear

...that after an extensive evening of research, I can conclude:

(and this is, pretty much, a completed survey)

that sitting on my couch and glancing over at the bathroom door at, approximately, 20 minute intervals does not (and brace yourselves for this, people, it may shock) make it any cleaner. Furthermore, I have concluded that it may well stay at the state it is until I get off my arse and rub a cloth over it. Maybe with some sort of abrasive cleaner being involved. Not sure about the last bit, but it would seem likely. I watched my Mum when I was little, you know, and I learnt stuff.

And tomorrow? I shall sit on a chair and stare at the washing up and see if I can will it clean.

Watch this space, fact fans. More cutting edge scientific knowledge coming your way...

Oh. And rumours of my inactivity having been fuelled by Gin and Tonic are wholly unfair, and have been grossly exagerrrrrrraaaa...erm, made up.


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